Value Creation In Place Management: The Relevance Of Service Providers


Marcello Sansone ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 13-19 | Views: 341 | Downloads: 98 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457773

Volume 3 - November 2014 (11)


This paper identifies the place, such as natural or artificial spaces able to play important roles in the development process of the quality of life of analyzed places, in a dynamic perspective of catalysts for economic interests, for sociological surveys, for interpretive marketing schemes, for environmental implications. Over time, the attention to the relationship between sustainable and potential development of territory and to the importance of the service providers have acquired increasing significance in marketing and place development studies. The importance of the service provider is grounded in the assumption of two relevant logic categories -Basic and Relevant Service Provider- characterizing their role in the strategy of value creation and place development: in the reflections about place management, conducted with some international research units, the aim is to highlight the central role of service providers in the development of sustainable places also through the support of the analysis of cases. 


Place management, place marketing, service provider, value creation.


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