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Transformational Leaderships and Organizational Performance: Critical Analysis


Dr.Sirajul Haq , Dr.Javed Ahmed Chandio ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 191-194 | Views: 669 | Downloads: 199 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4916344

Volume 8 - December 2019 (12)


The leadership is considered one of the driving forces for achieving the performance of an organization. With the aim of investigating the significance of organizational leadership on the performance of the organization, this research has done a critical analysis of Transformational leadership on the performance of the organization.  This research has adopted a qualitative approach to analyse the effects of transformational leadership on organizational performance. The critical analysis has been done on the basis of a secondary source of information referred from various sources to complete the study.
The critical analysis has established that Transformational Leadership focuses on the motivation of employees for increasing the performance of the organization. They emphasize cooperation and collective action for the successful completion of the task. This leadership style uses cooperation and collective actions to increase the performance of the organization. Transformational leadership is proactive and influence his followers by appealing their ideal and moral values to empower the employees in decision making. The research has concluded that each leadership style possesses different leadership characteristics and focused on different areas of the organization but their main focus is to increase the organizational performance


Leadership Theory, Transformational Leadership, Organizational performance


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