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The Optimal Financial Structure Between Maximizing Value And Competitive Continuity.


M. Fedelecam ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 82-91 | Views: 335 | Downloads: 92 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458812

Volume 4 - February 2015 (02)


The work aims to investigate the issue of creating value, a fundamental objective for the survival of the company, accompanied by the ability of the same to attract financial resources, so as to define a capital structure that reflects the business strategy which does not compromise its competitive ability. The research question is whether there is a link between value creation and firms financial structure. In order to solve the question the methodology adopted is of desk type, or analysis of the scientific-literary reference. As finding of the research, note that the optimal financial structure is oriented to the search for balance between the different forms of financing that at different times of firm life are available. The study conducted shows, finally, the limit of lack in a quali-quantitative approach as a case study aimed to verify the theoretical framework. Therefore, this integration between theoretical and practical approach will be the subject of future research.


financial structure, optimal financial structure, elasticity, flexibility, financial flexibility. 


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