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Impact of Land Resources on Food Security in Pakistan.


Ali Hassan Halepoto Assistant Professor , Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Maitlo ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 48-57 | Views: 373 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3460076

Volume 4 - June 2015 (06)


The main objective of this research is to analyze the impact of land resources for maintaining food security in the country. Currently Pakistan is facing challenge of food security. According to Census Report, 1951, the population of the country was 33.6 million. In the initial stage the newly independent country had refugees, industrial and administrative problems, which were given high priority than agriculture development. So this sector remained stagnant and food grains output declined from 6 million tons to 5 million tons during 1950-51 to 1954-55. Population increased by 1.7 percent and growth rate of food grains stood 0.3 percent. It compelled the import of food grains of wheat 3 million tons. This situation continued up to 1965. In 1966 new technology was introduced to enhance the output. New input policy was prepared to facilitate the growers. According to agricultural statistics of Pakistan, 2012- 13, 80 percent small growers are engaged in this sector. They could not be benefited from this policy and did not plough entire land. The production of food increased from million 6.50 tons to million 34.48 tons, but could not meet the requirements of the country. In Pakistan more than 8 million hectares land is lying uncultivated, if 50 percent of uncultivable land is brought under cultivation through macro policy, which can make self-sufficiency in food and, surplus food grains will fetch foreign exchange by exporting to other countries.


Land Resources. Food Security


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