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Effect of Poor Supply Chain on the Customer Satisfaction. Survey of Flight Delays in Pakistan.


Fatima Zakir , Ali Rehman ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 105-111 | Views: 372 | Downloads: 108 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463804

Volume 4 - December 2015 (12)


Recent business development in the airline industry has increased the competition. They are focusing more and more on the customer satisfaction, that the customer or passenger remains with them instead of using another airline. It is important to survive in the business is that the organization focus on the customer satisfaction. Effective supply chain needs the high level of coordination, communication and information sharing. Without proper information and coordination no one can imagine the required results in the supply chain .The study shows how the poor supply chain can effect on the customer satisfaction. Survey and questioning method used in this research from the customers who were affected from the delay flights. Research also open the ways how this supply chain process can be improve and give the better results in order to achieve the customer satisfaction. 


Supply chain management, airline industry, survey


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