Constrains In Dairy Supply Chain Managemnt-An Empirical Study Of Albania
Dr. Bajram Korsita , Dr. Luftim Cania , Msc.Griselda Korsita ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 106-111 | Views: 370 | Downloads: 106 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468744
Supply chains are at the heart of the way in which organizations operate and compete today; they also play a critical role in the overall performance of the organization. Competitive supply chain serves to create an advantage that meets customer requirements with a much lower cost. Therefore, the supply chain is seen as an integral part of the company's strategy to be more successful in the market. Supply chain depends on effective logistics, companies face challenges in aspects of supply chain, including the need to build the chain of low cost and quality, to be closer to the customer, to benefit various products and resources based the location of suppliers and distribution centers to stores. Regarding this, the main purpose of this paper is that it serves as a further guide on the role that plays an effective logistics to enable an effective supply chain which meets the customer's needs and how it will try to reduce constrains in this market. We have used dairy market in Albania as case study. We conducted an empirical and quantitative analysis, through which clear conclusions on the importance of a well-structured supply chain came out.
supply chain, logistic, dairy market, constrains
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