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Effects of Employee Training on Organisational Commitment: Exploring Human Resource Development Programmes in Nigerian University


Ezenwakwelu, C. A ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 28-37 | Views: 1296 | Downloads: 394 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473819

Volume 6 - November 2017 (11)


This paper assessed the effects of employee training on organizational commitment: exploring human resource development programmes in Nigerian Universities. The study adopted a survey research method.  The target population consists of seventy- four (74) senior administrative and academic staff of University of Nigeria. The study sought to examine the effect of training on – the- job on employee commitment, moreso, examine the effect of training off- the- job on organizational commitment and examine the decision-making skills required for executive development. The sampled data were tested by ordinal logistic regression technique. The results revealed that training on–the - the job has a positive effect on employee commitment: This indicates that employee performance and commitment increase when a newly employed person receives guidance and counseling from a superior in the organization. Consequently, training-off–the–job has a positive effect on organizational commitment: Training-off- the- job involves any form of training that takes place outside the work premises. The trainee focuses on learning the job. However, in–basket–training programme and case studies training programme are decision-making skills required for executive development. This study has implication on human resource development, career development, and organizational effectiveness. There have been previous works done on the effects of training on organizational commitment, but there has been rarely previous work done on this topic for investigation. Therefore, a research gap exists which can be purposely filled by this study.  However, the study suggested that there should be a clear commitment to training throughout all levels of the organization. Top management should set the scene by giving active support and encouragement to the training process, and through the provision of adequate finance, resources, time and skilled staff.


Training, Development, Human Resource capital, and Organisational Commitment.


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