A Comparative Study on the Contribution of Travel and Tourism to the Top Ten Countries With the Largest Tourism and United Arab Emirate


Marwan, Yussef ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 29-41 | Views: 752 | Downloads: 214 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3702218

Volume 9 - February 2020 (02)


Can read the world economy through the business cycle stages of contraction(recession)and expansion as at present recession is still prevailing but the Travel and Tourism challenged the economic trends to the extent the analysis of Travel and Tourism and other sources performance caused increment in contribution to the economy (GDP, Employment) through the duration 2013-2019. The main objective of this search is to examine the relationship between Travel and Tourism sector and economic diversification in between the top ten countries with largest Tourism industries comparing with the United Arab Emirates Travel and Tourism contribution to (GDP, Employment)


Travel & Tourism, Gross Domestic Product, World Economy, Recession Tourism


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