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Applying Knowledge of Probability Statistics in Science Research and Practice
Download Full PDF Pages: 135-143 | Views: 526 | Downloads: 166 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4979217
Volume 9 - September 2020 (09)
The overview article introduces the application of the subject of statistical probability in scientific research and in practice business activities of Vietnamese enterprises. Statistical probability is an extremely important science in scientific research. From statistical probability parameters that help researchers predict trends and possibilities and give the degree of impact of factors on a research topic. In business practice, statistical probability is also an effective tool in decision making and price control as well as evaluating the business performance of the business.
Probability statistics, scientific research, Vietnamese enterprises
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ii. Robert J. Marzano (2011). Teaching arts and science. Vietnam Education Publishing House. (Translation by Nguyen Huu Chau).
iii. Lam Quang Thiep (2011). Measurement in education. Theory and application of the National University of Hanoi National University.
iv. Tran Trong Thuy (1992). Psychological science of diagnosis. Education Publishing House. Hanoi.
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