The Influence of Visual Merchandising and Hedonic Motivation on Impulse Buying Through Shopping Enjoyment as an Intervening Variable
Imran Asghar Warraich , Dr. Wasif Ali Waseer ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 103-117 | Views: 1172 | Downloads: 386 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473895
Purpose: The main aim of the research is to develop a simulation model for manpower planning in organizations having pyramidal organizational structures.
Methodology: Simulation modeling technique has been used to develop a manpower planning model. A conceptual stock and flow diagram was developed to formulate the transition probabilities and relationship between different grades. Furthermore, seven different equations of the model were developed for all grades of the workforce. In order to implement the model a software application based on the equations of the model was developed to assist HR managers to alter the factors (like accession, promotion and retirement rates) and to analyze the effects on the force growth over long term planning horizon. To test the model a hypothetical assumption was made regarding the desired structure and different scenario based simulations were generated and picked those that yielded the best results.Findings: The test results of the model were quite close to the assumed values of the desired structure that validated the effectiveness of the model.
The model will assist the HR managers of the public sector organizations to attain/maintain the desired strength of the workforce.
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