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Effect of Person Job Fit on Employee Performance in Government Ministries, Nandi County, Kenya


Koskei C.Sarah , Prof. Richard O. Musebe , Dr. Razia Mbaraka ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 267-277 | Views: 511 | Downloads: 151 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5036385

Volume 9 - November 2020 (11)


The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of person job fit on employee performance in government ministries, Nandi County, Kenya. The theory informing the study is congruency theory. Explanatory research design was adopted. The target population comprised employees from the ministries in Nandi county totaling 240, the sample size of 144 employees were selected using stratified random sampling. Primary data was collected by use of structured questionnaire. Data analysis comprised both descriptive statistics in particular frequencies and percentages, and inferential statistics which included correlation analysis which was used to test the direct relationship between key variables. Spearman rho correlation was utilized to test hypotheses. Study findings showed that P-J-F has a positive and significant effect on job performance. Findings of the study are useful to the stakeholders within public sector in understanding the importance of successful implementation of P-J-F. This is expected to contribute positively to the performance of employees and the government as a whole.


Employee Performance, Government Ministries, Person Job Fit


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