The Impact of Suggestions to Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition Case study: Bank Tejart of Iran


Mehdi Tajpour , Amirmohammad Nabaei , Fatemeh hajian ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 45-53 | Views: 1185 | Downloads: 371 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473872

Volume 6 - December 2017 (12)


this article was written with the aim of investigating the effect of the principled establishment of proposals on identification of entrepreneurial opportunities. In this paper, Bank Tejart of Iran has been selected as one of the organizations active in the field of suggestion system as the study organization. The suggestion system is known as a management tool that is used to establish participatory management in the organization. The institutionalization of this system in the organization, in addition to increasing creativity, motivation and morale of the personnel in the organization and spiritual effects, can lead to increased profitability and positive material effects. In this article, after reviewing the literature of the suggestion system and Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, we first outline the effect of the Suggestion system on the organization on the personality characteristics of individuals, including creativity and risk-taking, and then the effect of these personality feature on Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition in the Bank Tejart of Iran Review. The findings of this qualitative research were carried out through the Focus Group method, whose members were experts in the suggestion system at the management consulting centers and the operators of this system at the Bank Tejart of Iran. These findings show the positive effect of the suggestion system on the creativity of the staff and managers of the bank. The positive effect of the suggestion system on the managers' risk-taking, the positive effect of creativity of the staff and managers on the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities, and ultimately the positive impact of personnel and managers risk-taking on the recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities at the Bank Tejart of Iran is The results of this research do not confirm the positive impact of the Suggestion system on personnel risk.


Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, Suggestion system, creativity, risk-taking


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