Impact of COVID-19 on Export of Mango of Pakistan: A Case Study of Sindh
Dr. Faiz Muhammad Shaikh , Shahnwaz Bhutto , Dr. Amir Bukhsh Pirzada ,
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This research investigates the Impact of COVID-19 on Export of Mango of Pakistan: A Case study of Sindh. Data were collected from Various farms Syed Farms, Mir Muzaffar Ali Talpur Farm Tando jam and few small growers of Tando Allahyar. According to results most of the contractors are facing multiple problems of labor which is blocked in different areas of Punjab. In this year the production of Mango is superb but due to this pandemics most of the countries where these growers are exporting Mango i.e. Afghanistan, Iran, Australia, USA, UK and other European countries it looks this year nothing will be for exporters of Mango. It was revealed that most of the contractors are suffering due to this pandemics.
Introduction: Pakistani Mangoes are mostly yellow in color when fully ripe, have strong aroma and sweet in taste, no mango of any origin can compete in taste with Pakistani Mango. Anchor Trading Company is well known in the export of Fresh Mangos and is currently exporting to Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Spain, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Sindh province is very popular in quality of Mango produced in various areas of Sindh. Sindhri Variety of mango is largely produced in Tando Jam, Tando Allahyar and Mirpur Khas. Export Demand for Sindhri Mango because of its taste and sweetness specially in Australia, USA, UK and Canada every year increasing.
Impact of COVID-19, Export of Mango of Pakistan
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