Determinants of E-Learning Adoption and Use in Tertiary Education of Ghana
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Volume 10 - September 2021 (09)
This paper was to examine the adoption and use of e-learning among university lectures in Ghana. The study employed online survey and an explanatory design. The study targeted 322 lecturers. The data was analyzed with the use of frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations as well as multiple regression. The study found that there was a moderate level of adoption and use of e-learning platform among lecturers of tertiary education in Ghana. Lectures have adopted and used e-learning platforms for the purpose of social interaction, convenience, larger community, geographical limitless, and collaboration. Nevertheless, there were some differences between demographic characteristics such as sex, age, rank or position, number of children and computer literacy rate while there were no differences between marital status, religion and adoption and use of e-learning platforms. Moreover, personal factors, technological factors and organizational factors motivate the adoption and use e-learning platform. ICT competence/computer literacy, inadequate ICT infrastructures/educational resources, and inadequate ICT training by management for lectures and staff were some challenges of adoption and using e-learning platform. Therefore, the study recommended that the management of the various universities continue to motivate lecturers and staff to adopt and use e-learning platforms due to the benefits accrued to it. Management in collaboration with the quality assurance unit should monitor and evaluate the system for effective and efficient delivery of lessons.
E-learning, lecturers, tertiary education, adoption
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