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Effects of Motivation Strategies for Managing Employees Retention Rate in Flower Farms in Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya
Ali Hassan Khamah , Saina Christopher Kipngetich ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 06-16 | Views: 415 | Downloads: 118 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5824489
Volume 10 - December 2021 (12)
In the present exceptionally serious work market, there is broad proof that associations paying little heed to measure, innovative advances and market center are confronting maintenance challenges. Individuals are an organization’s most basic resources in light of the fact that a remarkable individual gives an organization an upper hand. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of motivation strategies on employee retention rate in flower farms in Naivasha, Kenya. The research Objectives were; to assess the extent at which progressive career development affects employee retention rate at flower farms in Naivasha; to evaluate the extent at which the financial incentives affect the employee’s retention rate; to determine the extent at which the working conditions affects employee’s retention rate at flower farms in Naivasha; to establish the extent to which the work policies affect the employee’s retention rate at flower farms in Naivasha. The study was anchored on Motivation theories of; Abraham Maslow, Equity theory and McClelland’s achievements theory. The study employed a cross–sectional survey design. The study targeted the employees in the various department in the flower farms in Naivasha Sub- County. The total employees of the fifteen farms were 5,001. The sample size for the study was 361 employees from flower firms in Naivasha sub-County. The data was collected through structured questionnaires comprising of closed questions. The Multivariate regression for data analysis was used. The study found that the motivation strategies significantly contributed to employee retention rate with significance level of .000. Progressive career Development had a P value of .024, Financial Incentives scored a P value of .000, whereas Working Conditions managed a P value of .927 and Work Policies had a P value of .030. The study concluded that financial incentives is strongly related with employee retention rate. Therefore, flower firms must focus their attention to financial incentives since it plays a great role towards employee retention rate. The study recommended that the flower companies should be flexible to employees and allow some specific jobs to be done from anywhere. This can be achieved by allowing specific work to be done at home to increase the workers’ morale.
Motivation Strategies, Employee retention rate, Financial Incentives, Progressive Career Development, Working Conditions, Work Policies
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