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Decoupling Point Strategies Promoting Supply Chain Performance of Manufacturing firms Listed in Nairobi Stock Exchange in Kenya
Caroline Purity Ngomo , Jackson Ndolo ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 55-60 | Views: 377 | Downloads: 97 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6535173
The study sought to establish the influence of leagility specifically postponement strategies on supply chain performance in the Kenyan manufacturing firms Listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange context. Explanatory research design was adopted while data was collected from all the 70 functional managers in the 10 firms. A pilot study of 7 respondents was conducted and the instrument overall Cronbach coefficient of 0.889 which was found to be sufficient and fit for the tool to be used in the actual field study. Data was collected using a semi structured questionnaire by dropping and picking after two weeks. Collected data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. A response rate of 93% was realized in the study. Key finding of the study was that postponement strategies had a positive and significant influence on supply chain performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.883. The study therefore recommends that manufacturing firms need to embrace more inventory, distribution, decoupling Point and transport postponement strategies since they lead to improved supply chain performance.
Decoupling point, Deferment, leagility, Performance, Postponement, Supply Chain, Strategy.
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