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Exploring the Effect of Organizational Climate on the Emotional Health of Teachers: A Case Study of Colleges in Islamabad


Saadia Razzaq ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 35-41 | Views: 173 | Downloads: 58 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7549917

Volume 11 - December 2022 (12)


Organizational climate is related to the traits which are contained within the scope of work and they can affect the behavior of members working in the organization. Mental health is a state of emotional and social well-being in which the individual realizes his own abilities, can manage the normal stresses of life, and can work effectively. Emotional health plays important role in the professional life of an individual and it effects job tasks as well. The role of a teacher is very important as he directly effects the emotions of the students. Thus a teacher needs to be emotionally healthy and in this connection organizational climate plays vital role. The purpose of the study was to see the effect of organizational climate on the emotional health of college teachers. The objectives of the study were to measure the effect of managerial competence, cohesion, and participation on the emotional health of teachers. This was a causal comparative research which was quantitative research in nature. The sample of the study consisted of randomly selected 50 college teachers, 25 teachers from public sector and 25 from private sector working in Islamabad Pakistan. Two structured questionnaire were used to measure organizational climate of colleges and emotional health of teachers. The data collection was done online and it was analyzed by descriptive statistics. Findings showed that the climate of the organization had significant effect on the emotional health of teachers. It was recommended that the Government, educational institutes of educators, community of educational providers, and teacher professional organizations may work together to improve organizational climate of educational institutions.


organizational climate, emotional health, college teachers, cohesion, managerial competence


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