Strategies and Tools of Social Media Marketing in the Luxury Fashion Industry
Download Full PDF Pages: 82-92 | Views: 1069 | Downloads: 357 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490352
This study proposes a central concept such as social media marketing, in the luxury sector, must be able to keep up with the evolving technology, must perfect its offer for an increasingly demanding market and must seize digital opportunities and make the most of them. Several studies have highlighted the growing importance of digital in the high end, the need for companies to adopt an increasingly multi-channel approach and increasingly diversified by markets. The research question behind the developed work is to demonstrate that a strategy that considers the web is strongly necessary for luxury brands, but at the same time it does not need to look like a mass market strategy, resulting in inconsistency with the main features of luxury brands: exclusivity, uniqueness, rarity, superiority, singularity, prestige. Luxury fashion brands have to deal daily with the balance between safeguarding the exclusivity of the brand on the one hand, an increasing demand in the global market, intensification of distribution methods and the explosion of e-commerce, from the other side that seems to be in contrast with the set of meanings that revolves around luxury brands
The objective of this work will, therefore, be to develop a more in-depth understanding of the strategies implemented by the brands operating in the fashion sector with regard to social media marketing and to analyse the effect it has had in businesses highlighting, such as social networks they also give opportunities in this area.
Digital marketing, luxury brand, luxury fashion, online communication, Social media marketing, social networks.
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