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The Ic Concept In The Strategies Of Developing The Urban And Regional Communication Networks
Maria Nowicka , I.C. Dima , Stefan Vladutescu ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 27-35 | Views: 389 | Downloads: 121 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3386679
The human capital and structural capital constitute the primary assets of every organisation and more and more every territory: on urban, local, regional, national and global levels. Restructuring technique, technology, organisation of production and work (means of production, subjects of work, power factors and economic factors) necessitates great knowledge, competence and skills, as well as the right organisational culture and philosophy. These factors constitute the basic elements of human capital. Mutual dependency of these factors results in the need of proper management of planning, organisation and motivation as well as of controlling human capital. Business practice confirms the need of developing basic organisational features that would result in creating a unique corporate image. It turns out that an individual character of a company facilitates its winning competitive advantage. Shaping the basic variables in corporate resources enables one to identify technical, organisational, economic and social features. Creating an individual character of a company on the basis of primary material resources rarely brings the desired effect. The material character of technical, organisational and economic resources is a feature that may be easily copied by competitors. Among the distinguished features, only human capital may thus decide on the individual character of a company.
human capital, intellectual capital, Systems and networks, Knowledge management, NETWORKING, innovation networks, Development network
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