Infrastructure Development In Global Economic Meltdown: A Framework For The Real Estate Professional’s Response


A. C. Ogbonna , V.A.Akujuru ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 54-64 | Views: 354 | Downloads: 111 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3386700

Volume 1 - August 2012 (08)


The current global economic meltdown has major roots in real estate with the construction subsector being a very important economic indicator but also reacting faster to a recession arising from the usual resultant credit squeeze. As a response to recession, economic theorists recommend, among other things, investment in public goods such as infrastructure which itself is part of real estate. In agreement and to cope with the meltdown, this paper reviews the peculiarities of developing infrastructure and recommends the appropriate role for the built environment, and especially, real estate, professional from a developing country perspective. 


Infrastructure, real estate, economic meltdown, development, real estate professional.


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