The strategic Human Resource Management- A Talent Management Case of Nonprofit Organizations in Malaysia


Adil Ahmad Langoo , Shahoriyer Hossain , Ahmed Omar Osman , Qusai saadeldin , Li Ze Yuan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-14 | Views: 1847 | Downloads: 446 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3472299

Volume 6 - September 2017 (09)


Most of the studies on talent management have focused on aspects of talent attraction, talent development, talent succession, talent retention within the corporate world. Very less attention has been paid to determine the effect of these aspects in non-profit organizations by practioners and academia. Knowing the effect of above mentioned areas in non-profit organizations can help non-profit organizations in the area of skill development, career growth, job satisfaction and other related parameters. Thus, the main aim of this study is to find the current practices of talent attraction, talent development, talent succession, talent retention in non-profit organizations which if are present there can help to achieve the work force satisfaction. A qualitative study will be undertaken to explore the perception of talents about the talent management practices in non-profit organizations. 


Talent management, Talent retention, Ngo’s, Talent development, succession, gender, Talent attraction, compensation, Klang Valley, Malaysia


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