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Impact of Social media brand communication on Brand Knowledge: Mediating role of Brand Image & Brand Awareness Application of CBBE model theory of Keller


Sumbal Arif , Anam Bhatti , Mariam , Muhammad Umar Sadiq ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 61-73 | Views: 1885 | Downloads: 509 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3472282

Volume 6 - July 2017 (07)


We live in 21st century, where the use of social media is growing day by day. Individuals prefer social media for personal and professional use. Corporations are also communicating with their customers through the social media. Which increase awareness about the product of a specific brand. That ultimately develops brand knowledge. The basic objective of this study is to explore the relationship between the social media brand communication and brand knowledge by considering brand image and brand awareness as mediators. This study is quantitative in nature so for the purpose of data collection we adopted questionnaire method. 200 questionnaires were distributed among the students of the business department. Data was tested through SPSS (Statistical Packages for the Social Science) as well as AMOS (Analysis Movement of Structure) Software. Findings of this research show there is a positive and significant relationship among social media brand communication and brand knowledge. Moreover, brand image and brand awareness have extensively mediated the relationship between social media brand communication and brand knowledge.


Social media brand communication, brand image, brand awareness, brand knowledge


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