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Impact Of Job Autonomy On Work Engagement: The Mediating Role Of Job Crafting In Universities Of Pakistan


Annam Akram , Muhammad Ali , Muhammad Hassaan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 31-44 | Views: 434 | Downloads: 106 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445793

Volume 3 - January 2014 (01)


The objective of this study was to investigate the extent to which relationship exists between job autonomy and work engagement in private universities of Pakistan. Moreover we also tested the mediating effect of job crafting between job autonomy and work engagement .Data was collected from 250 faculty members from different public and private universities ( Ripha International University ,Islamic International University ,Allama Iqbal Open University , Bahria University ,National university of modern languages).The results of the study showed that job autonomy has significant and positive relationship with work engagement. The results also disclosed that job crafting plays a mediating role between job autonomy and work engagement. The study has both theoretical and practical implications. This study is an attempt to explore the mediating effect of job crafting in Pakistan for the first time, it gives empirically validation. 


job autonomy.job crafting,work engagement ,university professors


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