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Mapping Of Land By Vegetation From Satellite Data In The Region Of Chetaibi (Algeria)
Malika Rached-Kanouni , Azzedine Hadef , Oumessaad Toubal , Djamel Alatou ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 08-12 | Views: 398 | Downloads: 107 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456742
The aim of this study is to map the land cover by vegetation in the region of Chetaïbi (Annaba, Algeria) from satellite data, in our study, we utilized satellite images taken in 2000 by the ETM + Satellite LAND SAT 7. The region is part of Chetaïbi Mountains of Edough north-eastern Algeria, the bioclimatic study indicates that Chetaibi lies between the sub-humid bioclimatic soft and damp soft. After performing the various treatments on satellite images of the study area, and choosing the best color process, a supervised classification of the color process is initiated by the software mapping and remote sensing ENVI4.5. The results of this classification is used to develop a map of land cover by vegetation in the region Chetaïbi (Training cork oak, dense scrub, maquis clear, cultivated soils, bare soils and urban area). Thus the digital terrain model obtained after processing the SRTM data, helped to develop the slope map, the map shows the map and altitudes of the study area.
Land use map, Vegetation, LAND SAT ETM Satellite images, Chetaibi
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