Usman Khadam Malik Publications
Theoretical Frame Work and New Definitional Contribution to the Existence Literature to Underground Economy.
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466158
Author(s): Shahan Mehmood Cheema , Usman Khadam Malik , Talha Mujahid Butt , Ali Hasan PHD Scholar , Chaudhry Abdul Rehman ,
Pages: 47-49 Views: 364 Downloads: 95
Impact of Layoff on Survivors Productivity: A New Peril Stigma and Workforce Diversity Implication.
Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466172
Author(s): Ali Hasan , Syed Muhammad Maaz, , Usman Khadam Malik , Shahan Mehmood Cheema , TalhaMujahid Butt ,
Pages: 115-122 Views: 697 Downloads: 138