“VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3″ under QS Publications

1) Critical Issues in International and Electronic Audit Evidence

Author’s: 1Josiah, Mary  and  2Izedonmi, P.1gbinedion University Okada, Accounting Department, College of Business and Management Studies2University of Benin ,Accounting Department,Faculty of Business and Management Science.

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2) Modern and Culture Challenges Facing Auditors in Public and Private Sectors in Developing and developed Countries

 Author’s: 1Josiah, Mary  and  2Izedonmi, P. F 1gbinedion University Okada, Accounting Department, College of Business and Management Studies 2 University of Benin ,Accounting Department,Faculty of Business and Management Science.

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3) Impact of HR Practices on Performance of Teachers in Colleges of Azad Kashmir

Author’s: 1)Imrab Shaheen (M-Phil Scholar)-University College of Administrative Sciences Kotli2)Dr.Mushtaq A.Sajid-Dean & Professor,University College of Administrative Sciences kotli (UAJ&K)3)Mrs.Qudsia Batool (PH-D Scholar)-University College of Administrative Sciences Kotli (UAJ&K)

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4)Labor international circulation within the present – day context of globalized economy

Author’s:Ph.D Associate Professor MARIA MĂCRIŞ-University of Petroşani, Romania

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5) Comparative study on brand loyalty in global softdrink consumer markets of Kenya and India

Author’s: 1)Jairo Kirwa Mise-School of Economics and Business Studies, Maseno University, Kenya and PhD Scholar, University of Kerala India2) Prof Chandrasekeran Nair-University of Kerala India3)Odhiambo Odera (Corresponding author)-University of Southern Queensland, Australia and Masinde Muliro-University of Science and Technology, Kenya4)Prof Martin Ogutu-Department of Business Administration,School of Business, University of Nairobi, Kenya

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6) Interbank overnight lending rate pass-through Bangkok Interbank Offered Rate (BIBOR) during the period of financial crisis: In case of Thailand’s Interbank Market (2005 to 2011)

Author’s: 1) Wang Zongjun-Room552, College of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, CHINA 430074 2)Gongkhonkwa Rujira-Building7 Room104, Huahong Foreign Student Apartment, C3 District, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hongshan Area, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, CHINA 430074

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7) Board Characteristics and External Audit Quality: Complementary or Substitute Mechanisms?The Belgium Case

Author’s: 1)Marjène RABAH GANA-Lille School of Management Research Center, Higher Institute of Commerce and Accounting of Bizerte, University of Carthage, Tunisia  2) Azhaar LAJMI KRICHEN-Research Unit of Finance and Business Strategy, Higher Institute of Management, University of Tunis, Tunisia

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8) Post- Bureaucracy and Post-bureaucratic Culture in Public Administration.

Author’s:Dr.AlperOzmen-AssistantProfessor-EskisehirOsmangazi-University,Department of Politics Science and Public Administration /Turkey 

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9) Evaluation of Materials Management Strategies in the Nigerian Construction Industry-(A Case Study of Selected Buildings Sites in Lagos State.)

Author’s:Dr.Kevin Aku Okorocha,Ph.D, RSV-Senior Lecturer Department of Project Management Technology,Federal University of Technology,Owerri, Nigeria

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