Influence of Perceived Risk on Consumer Purchase Decision: A Comparative Study of Middle and Upper Class of Pakistan
Author Details: Zaeema Asrar-Assistant Professor-Department of Commerce-University of Karachi
Risk or uncertainty halts any type of decision, especially when it is perceived. It is a common and rational behavior of any human being to divert his decision when a risk is involved in the way of any business or chore. The study in the context has been taken to investigate the extent of diversion of consumer’s purchase decision when a risk has been perceived. For the purpose, we have questioned 50 respondents from Middle and Upper-class respondents. It has been found that female from both the classes divert their decision in case of a perceived risk while male respondents from Upper class do not change their purchase list while a male from the Middle Class cut their list. In all, we can say that risk curtails the consumers’ purchase decision no matter the purchase is from Upper Class or represent the Middle class of the country.
Keywords: Upper Class, Consumer Purchase Decision, Middle Class
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