Effect Service Quality and Customers Satisfactions on Customers Loyalty in The Fantasy Word
Author’s Details: (1) Jati Nugroho – (Marketing Management) – Persada Indonesia University – YAI Indonesia (2) Ayi Wahid – (Digital Business Technology) – Institute of Technology And Business Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Abstract:The study aims to examine the effect of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in Dunia Fantasi using quantitative, multiple linear regression. The result of this research there was influence between service quality to customer loyalty. There is influence between customer satisfaction to customer loyalty. Simultaneously quality of service and customer satisfaction to customer loyalty have positive and significant, resulted in the correlation value of 0.885 or (88.5%) with regression equation Y = 2.418 + 0.565X1 + 0.500X2 remaining another factor of 11.5% namely price, promotion, location, and others
Keywords: Service Quality, Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.
Previous: VOLUME 8, ISSUE 2