The Role of Human Resource Competence, Business Innovation and Working Capital Affected by Intervening Variables of Work Ethics on The Sustainability of Rural Banks in Bali
Author Details: Anak Agung Ngurah Gede SADIARTHA, University Hindu Indonesia, Denpasar, Indonesia,
ORCID: 0000-002-1497-1735 
The purpose of this study is to determine the direct and indirect influence of HR competence, business innovation and working capital on the business sustainability of Rural Banks in Bali Province through the HR work ethic variable as an intervening variable. The research method in this study is a quantitative descriptive research method using path analysis using PLS 3.0.In this study the independent variable is the variableHR competence, business innovation and working capital, while for the dependent variable issustainability of Rural Banks in Bali Provinceand the intervening variable isHR work ethic. The data obtained in this study is the business data of Rural Banks in Bali amounting to 134 Rural Banks, the object of which is the manager of 134 Rural Banks in Bali as a population, the research uses the PLS 3.0 path analysis method.The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of this study is that partially only the HR competency variable, business innovation and working capital affect the sustainability variable of Rural Banks in Bali and partially only the HR competency variable that affects the work ethic of Rural Bank employees in Bali. , while simultaneously the variables of HR competence, business innovation and working capital have an effect on the variable of sustainability of Rural Banks in Bali through the work ethic of Rural Bank employees in Bali as an intervening variable (intervening factor). It can be explained that Rural Banks in Bali must be able to create new breakthroughs in their work system
Keywords: hr competency, business innovation, working capital, work ethic, sustainability