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Surveying The Reasons Of The Cold Acceptance About Online Purchasing Of Electronic Goods In Iran.
Hafez Aberoomandi , Farhang Abroomandi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 44-51 | Views: 364 | Downloads: 98 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463792
Nowadays, the commercial competition has been increased in many areas of business, especially in electronic business all around the world, hence improvement of the customers’ retaining, and enhancement of their loyalty has been more difficult, however, supplying their needs can assist to improve customer’s loyalty. The main purpose of the current research is finding the most important factors of continuous purchase of the online shoppers through the commercial websites. In the current research, in order to data gathering, according to surveying on fourteen hypotheses, 384 questionnaires were collected after distributing among responders, so, all hypotheses were approved after analyzing data.
loyalty, quality of the electronic services, satisfaction, trust, perceived value.a
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