Building Corporate Organizations Through Effective Staff Performance Management.
Tope Oni ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 10-24 | Views: 356 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464832
Staff performance management is globally recognized as an important human resource management process in organisations that seek to achieve peak performance, stay ahead of competition and continue to be a vibrant going concern. There are however a significant number of organisations that are yet to appreciate and give prime focus to the central place of staff performance appraisal and management in the pursuit of peak business performance. The author used the participant and non-participant observation methodology to study many organisations over several years. The study reveals that, while many multinationals and blue-chip companies in the private sector carry out effective staff performance appraisal and management according to global best practices, most Small-and-Medium-Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in developing economies are yet to accord effective performance appraisal and management the central place it deserves in business management and organisational development. This paper examines global best practices in staff performance appraisal and management, current realities in staff performance appraisal and management in SMEs in Nigeria, the existing gap between these realities and global best practices, explanations for the gaps and recommendations on how the gaps can be filled and the challenges overcome for maximum organisational effectiveness.
Performance Appraisal & Management, Employee Development, Human Resources, Reward, Organisational Development.
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