The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuation on Imports and Exports of Pakistan: Time Series Analysis From 1985-2015


Dr.Faheem Ghazanfar , Mohammad Asif Channa , Dr. Irfan Ali- ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 129-137 | Views: 339 | Downloads: 95 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468766

Volume 6 - January 2017 (01)


Looking at the gap in trade policy which is main parameters are export and import. Policies must be made in a way that economy of Pakistan may proceed towards growth. Secondary annual data was collected from Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Government of Pakistan and World Bank from the year 1985-2015. For data analysis, SPSS 18 was used by using linear regression to examine the relationship between the variables. The study concluded that exchange rate fluctuation significantly and positively related to export and import of Pakistan.


 Exchange rate, Import, Export


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