Factors Affecting the Gender Pay Gap in Pakistan


Dr. Masood Hassan , Abeera Soomro , Muhammad Bin Nouman , Hira Lashari ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 188-197 | Views: 215 | Downloads: 66 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6910969

Volume 11 - April 2022 (04)


This study discusses the factors affecting the gender pay gap in Pakistan.When we look back over the decades; we can see that there has been an increase in advanced and exploratory research on the topic of the Gender Pay Gap. Differences in the workplace and the reasons for them have piqued the public's interest. The reasons for these disparities in the workplace are significant because access to these opportunities has numerous economic, social, and psychological consequences. With the rising issues of the gender pay gap not gaining enough awareness and the injustice for women in the workplace by not getting compensated for their hard work while men continue to pocket their bumped-up salaries, it is a shame there is no policy governing women's rights in the workplace. Hence, the requirement for this study is to study the in-depth reasoning behind this problem.


Gender, Pay gap, Public, Pakistan


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