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The Influence of Students Perception on Subject Choice at Tertiary Level: A Case Study of Colleges of Sindh


Dr. Masood Hassan , Dua Bahleem , Sajid Jawaid ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 148-162 | Views: 264 | Downloads: 81 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6907397

Volume 11 - March 2022 (03)


This paper sets one's sight to check out at present education system of Sindh, Pakistan. There exists an intrinsic prospective and escalated potential in instructive approaches of the province for upsetting financial/socioeconomic change in the country through academic purposes. Contextually, the designated level of academics is tertiary level, and the overall relative factors that ponder the pupils’ choice of subjects on the corresponding level. This research paper contemplated the various reasons including the parental influence, gender stereo typicality, encapsulation of scholastics and so on and their effect over the decisions of the students.


Subject Selection, Parental influence, Societal Norms, Role of Educational Institutions, Sindh.


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