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GTAP-PBIO: A GTAP Model and Data Base that Incorporates Biofuels Sector of Pakistan


Tariq Ali , Jun Yang , Jikun Huang ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 30-43 | Views: 458 | Downloads: 143 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3382711

Volume 1 - April 2012 (04)


This research is the first effort to incorporate Pakistan’s biofuels sector into GTAP Data Base. We used dataset on production, cost shares and border trades for Pakistan and other major biofuel producing countries to update the latest version 7 of GTAP Data Base. To capture the real structure of biofuels market, we adopted multiinput-multi-output approach for the production and consumption of biofuels in GTAP Data Base. We have placed special attention on the data on Pakistan to produce a reliable simulation tool. Several necessary changes to the standard model structure were also made. Pakistan is not a big biofuels producer; however, the proposed national and global biofuels mandates can seriously change the structure of agriculture market, food security situation and income distribution in Pakistan. The proposed model can be employed to assess the impacts of global and national biofuels policies on Pakistan. 


CGE model, biofuels, policy, Pakistan.


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