“VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7″ under QS Publications July-2014
[1]-The Use of Performance Measurement Information in the Tanzanian Public Sector: The Case of National Housing Corporation.
Author’s details:Dr. Andrew Sulle-Mzumbe University, Dar es Salaam Campus College. Tanzania
[Download Full PDF] [Page 01-10][2]-Diagnostic of Atlascedarin the forest of Djebel El Ouahch (north-eastern Algeria)
Author’s details:M. Rached-Kanouni1, A. Hadef2, A. Boukhelifa3, R. Megoura4, D. Alatou5 –1, 2, 3, 5 Laboratory of development and valorisation of plant genetic resources. Department of Biology andVegetal Ecology, Faculty of Natural sciences and Life, University Constantine 1, Algeria 4Forest Conservation, Constantine, Algeria Malika Rached-Kanouni (Corresponding author)
[Download Full PDF] [Page 11-19][3]-Emerging Markets And International Portfolio Optimization
Author’s details:(1)Farhat Khaoula (2) Hallara Slaheddine–High institute of management of Tunis (ISG) 41, Street liberté, Bouchoucha – 2000 Bardo,
[Download Full PDF] [Page 20-30][4]-The Relationship between Customer Relationship Management and Customer Satisfaction with the Expected Value of the Consumer Audio and Video Products Samsung in Kerman.
Author’s Details: 1-Azam rahiminik 2- Soheilashamsadini-1- Assistant professor of Business Management, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran 2- PhD Student in Marketing Management, Islamic Azad University central Tehran branch.
[Download Full PDF] [Page 31-47]
[5]-The Impact of Strategic Planning For Training and Educational Non-Government Organizations In Sri Lanka: An Evaluation Using The Balanced Scorecard
Author’s Details:Weerasooriya.W.M.R.B.¹: Doctoral Student, School of Graduate Studies, Management & Science University, Malaysia.Prof.Dr. Ali Khatibi.²: Faculty of Business and Professional Studies, Management & Science University, Malaysia.Dr.Alwis.A.C.De³: Department of Human Resources Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.
[Download Full PDF] [Page 48-62][6]-Effects of Leadership Styles on Employee Performance:Integrating the Mediating Role of Culture, Gender and Moderating Role of Communication
Author Detail: Khalid Rasheed Memon1-1Lahore Leads University Lahore, Pakistan
[Download Full PDF] [Page 63-80][7]-Remittance micro determinants and socioeconomic impacts: A household unit analysis of gender behaviour of rural household head in Bangladesh.
Author’s details: Kazi Abdul Mannan[1] and Khandaker Mursheda Farhana[2][1] Corresponding author, Research fellow at Southern Cross University, Australia.[2]Khandaker Mursheda Farhana (PhD), Chairman, Migration Research, Development and Society of Bangladesh(MRDSB), Bangladesh
[Download Full PDF] [Page 81-93][8]-Studying the relationship between organizational justice and level of employees organizational obligation in state organization of Rafsanjan.
Author’s details:(1)Abbas babaeinejad (2) Soheila shamsadini-1-member of scientific board.Department of management,Islamic Azad university,Kerman branch.Kerman.Iran. 2- PhD Student in Marketing Management, Islamic Azad University central Tehran branch.
[Download Full PDF] [Page 94-103][9]-Does Performing Routine Task Prevent Creative Behaviour? A Review
Author’s details:(1)Sanaz Ahmadpoor Samani-PhD Scholar, Department of Management University Technologi Malaysia, Skudai Johor, Malaysia (2)Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Zaleha Binti Abdul Rasid-International Business School (3)Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saudah bt Sofian-Department of Management and Human Resource Development University Technologi Malaysia, Skudai Johor, Malaysia
[Download Full PDF] [Page 104-107][10]-Challenges of Internal Bank Fraud Policy. A Case Study of Commercial Banks In Harare Central Business District
Author Detail: Gombarume Fungai Brian-Lecturer Bindura University of Science Education. Faculty of Commerce. Department of Intelligence and Security Studies.
[Download Full PDF] [Page 108-116]
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